Family PRIDE Program

Program Description

Our Family PRIDE Program provides holistic and culturally appropriate prevention services and support to families and youth in both First Nations – Abegweit First Nation and Lennox Island First Nation.

We deliver a range of programs and services designed to ensure the safety and healthy development of children and families. Our dedicated staff engage with community members, either individually or in groups, to provide in-home support, child and youth services, family therapy, education and awareness, liaison and community outreach services. 

If you or someone you know is in crisis or in need of support to prevent a crisis, please reach out to our team.

Build a stronger future with us

Our Commitment

Our work is centered on reducing the number of children placed in the provincial child protection system. We’re committed to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe and nurturing home within their community. 

Children are the sacred gifts from the Creator, representing the hopes, dreams and future of our people.

Program Highlights